合肥调酒师培训-穿越丝路,调酒奇侠带来金巴利白酒特饮 | Come sip drinks with the Magnificent Seven[本文内容由金巴利赞助。/ This content is sponsored by Campari.] 中国和意大利,这两个古老的文明之间从来不缺乏贸易与文化的交流。 China and Italy are two ancient civilisations that have enjoyed a long history of commercial trade and cultural links. 连接中国和罗马的丝路; They stand at the two ends of the Silk Road, 最近被Netflix搬上荧幕的马可·波罗; Marco Polo's adventures were adapted into TV series recently, 普契尼的传世之作《图兰朵》讲述了一个中国公主的故事; Giacomo Puccini's opera masterpiece Turandot was based on a Chinese princess, 这两个国家的美食似乎也有一点共同点…… The two countries share same tastes in cuisine, 甚至足球(不,水平还是有很大差距的)。 Even an enthusiasm for football. (But we know who has the better national team...) 两个国家也有着各自悠久的饮酒历史。“古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名”,中国酒中最具代表性的,当属各地各具风味的白酒。而意大利除了出产优质的葡萄酒,还有很多知名的利口酒和餐前酒——比如说由独特秘方配制、每个鸡尾酒酒吧都不会缺少的金巴利。在内格罗尼(Negroni)或老伙计(the Old Pal,黑麦威士忌、味美思、金巴利)之类的经典鸡尾酒中,你不难品味到金巴利独特的苦味和回甘。 More importantly, our two countries share a love for alcoholic drinks that we just can’t ignore. For us, baijiu is our national spirit honoured by poets and writers throughout history. Besides good wines, Italy is also well-known for its liqueurs and apertifs, among them Campari, a must-have on every bar shelf worldwide. Made with a blend of secret ingredients, Campari adds that essential bittersweet edge to our favourite classic cocktails like the Negroni or the Old Pal (rye whiskey with vermouth and Campari).
今年夏天,来自意大利的金巴利试图与中国白酒“联姻”——而为这对“异国姻缘”牵线的,是七位来自中国的“调酒奇侠”。他们将以不同风格的中国白酒为基酒,并加上一点金巴利的意大利魔法,为我们打开白酒鸡尾酒这一新世界的大门。 This summer, the Italian star spirit works on building its cocktail connections with China. Seven leading bartenders in China have been tasked with a mission to shake a unity of baijiu and Campari in a cocktail. Like the Magnificent Seven of the eponymous movie, these pioneers are forging new frontiers for the unity of the two spirits, and your quest is to hoe-down your way to try their cocktails in their seven bars in Shanghai in July. 苏念慈 Blacky Su | M Glam 来自上海外滩魅蓝的调酒师Blacky大学时主修艺术,她将调酒也视作绘画或雕塑一样的艺术创作,是自我表达的载体。 Blacky Su majored in art in college, and now thinks of bartending as an artistic endeavour like painting or sculpture. She’s now a bartender at M Glam in Shanghai. Puesta del Sol 由等比例的金巴利、五加皮白酒和Manzanilla雪莉酒摇匀而成,滤入加冰的古典杯中,以台湾特产的仙楂饼装饰。三种原料分别为酒体带来苦味、甜味和咸味,让人想起海滨的夕阳——这也是这杯酒的灵感来源。 Shaking Campari, Wujiapi Baijiu and Manzanilla sherry at a 1:1:1 ratio, Puesta del Sol is served with a side of Taiwanese hawthorn flakes to snack on. The three spirits hit notes of bitterness, sweetness and saltiness, and it looks like a sunset in the glass. 安鹏程 Daniel An | Shrine Daniel如今是Taste Buds Cocktail Palace和Shrine两家上海人气酒吧的创建者。此前他在Otto E Mezzo、1515牛排馆?酒吧和Starling时已经声名鹊起,在国内外多项调酒比赛中取得好成绩。 Daniel is the founder of two popular Shanghai bars, Taste Buds Cocktail Palace and Shrine. The man’s built up his experience at bars like Otto E Mezzo, 1515 West and Starling, and has since gone on to win many bartending competitions in China. Milano Rosso 金巴利的苦、二锅头的辣、接骨木花利口酒的甜,加一点柠檬汁的酸味来平衡。Daniel这支“米兰红”色泽奔放,却又精确地遵循了风味平衡的黄金法则。 Bitter Campari, spicy Erguotou and sweet elderflower liqueur go into the glass sour lemon juice. Daniel's cocktail is a perfect example of complexity and balance in a glass. 宋鹏 Kevin Song | D.lounge 本次调酒奇侠唯一一位来自北京的调酒师,D.lounge的主理人Kevin已经在不少调酒比赛中证明了自己的实力。他此前无意中发现,仓库里的菠萝放太久过熟后,会产生白酒的香气,成为了这次设计特饮的灵感来源。 Kevin is the only one of the Magnificent Seven who hails from Beijing. The D.lounge manager has shown his talent in numbers of competitions. One day he discovered a stock of overripe pineapples he had forgotten with a baijiu aroma, which inspired him to create this drink. Hide & Seek 用菠萝去捕捉牛栏山白酒的香醇,用柠檬来引出一脉相承的菠萝,梅斯卡尔是柠檬天生的好搭档,而烟熏味的梅斯卡尔又与金巴利的草药香料味相得益彰。将这五种原料摇匀后滤入飞碟杯。这种一环套一环的“捉迷藏”赋予这杯酒丰富的层次感。 Drawing from Niulanshan baijiu's pineapple character, Kevin mixes lemon to complement the tropical fruit, mezcal to play nice with the lemon, and Campari to balance the mezcal in his cocktail. Michael Chen | The Cannery 大胡子Michael是The Cannery的调酒主管。他设计的鸡尾酒单与The Cannery偏重手工、小批量和匠人情怀的菜单完美搭配,而他也经常从大厨那里得到一些好点子。 Sporting an impressively brushy beard, Michael, bar manager of the Cannery, borrows plenty of inspiration from his chef colleagues when designing cocktails. Back to the Future 这杯鸡尾酒看上去更像是一道开胃的意大利前菜。将罗勒叶和辣椒捣碎,加入金巴利、泸州老窖、番茄汁、桃子果泥和西柚汁,拉杯混合后滤入高球杯,并以小番茄、罗勒叶和辣椒碎做装饰,最后滴几滴日本酱油。这杯酒中复杂的酸甜苦辣,仿佛人生一般。 Designed to be sipped like an aperitif, Michael muddles basil leaf and peppers, then adds Campari, Luzhoulaojiao, tomato juice, peach puree and grapefruit juice. The garnish is also a bounty of fresh ingredients, with baby tomatoes, basil leaves and pepper peeking out of the glass, before a few dashes of – yes, you heard it right – Japanese soy sauce. Rich in flavour, just like life itself. 韩玲 Phoebe Han | Healer 古风女侠Phoebe来自山西大同,她经营的Healer可能是上海最具古典中国风情的酒吧,传统白酒和中草药一直是这里的常备原料。 Phoebe Han is from Datong, Shanxi. Her Shanghai-based Healer Bar is probably the most classic Chinese-style bar in the city, and she’s no stranger to the brief as she uses baijiu and herbs in her mixed drinks. 点绛唇 绯红的金巴利混入透明的白酒,仿佛少女轻启朱唇。Phoebe选择了家乡的白玉汾酒,它的草药味突出,与金巴利相互呼应,并用桂花酒、蔓越莓汁和桂花苦精增加层次感。搅拌,滤入装有冰块的瓷杯,以桂花枝装饰。 Phoebe chose Baiyufenjiu from her hometown, packed with a herbal flavour that can hold its own against Campari's unique taste. Osmanthus liqueur, cranberry juice and osmanthus bitters are also stirred in, before you sip it out of a porcelain glass. 关汉山 Sam Guan | Barules Sam来自台湾,他相信调酒是一项科学实验般的精密工作——这也是他的Barules酒吧一直以来秉承的原则。 Taiwanese Sam Guan believes that bartending requires precision, just like scientific experiments. That is also how he’s led his Barules team to become one of Shanghai’s popular cocktail bars. Chingroni 顾名思义,这是一杯中国版的内格罗尼,只是Sam用台湾的金门高粱替代了金酒,并佐以少许绍兴黄酒和甘草苦精,以突出金巴利的独特风味。将原料拉杯混合,滤入装有冰块的古典杯,以咖啡豆和橙皮装饰。 Yes, it is a Negroni with a Chinese twist – gin is replaced with Jinmen Sorghum baijiu. Shaoxing Huangjiu and liquorice bitter are also mixed in, in order to amplify the uniqueness of Campari. 陆遥 Yao Lu | The Union Trading Company 靠着一双快手和灿烂的笑容,牛仔陆遥打造了亚洲50佳酒吧排名第九的Union Trading Company。他的调酒哲学,是想要客人开心愉快。 Yao Lu's Union Trading Company just earned a #9 ranking on this year’s Asia 50 Best Bars list. With swift hands and a big smile, the cowboy Yao delivers not only drinks but also happiness for his consumers. Monkey Business “猴子生意”的意思就是胡闹乱来。陆遥觉得与其费力去掩盖金巴利或中国白酒中高辨识度的独特气质,不如让他们碰撞得更加不羁。他将金巴利和五粮液丢进摇壶,再加上香蕉利口酒和奶油,增加这杯酒的“猴”味。摇匀滤入库博杯,饰以干香蕉片和豆蔻粉——听上去大胆而明快。 Monkey Business usually means a big mess, but Yao interprets the saying to showcase the wild flavours of Baijiu and Campari in a glass, rather than mask any of the two’s characteristics. He shakes Campari and Wuliangye with banana liqueur and cream, to make it even more ‘apelike’. It’s served in a coupe, garnished with dried banana and nutmeg powder. 调酒奇侠集结完毕。从七月起,大家可以在上述酒吧品尝到由七位调酒奇侠用金巴利和中国白酒调制的鸡尾酒特饮,期间每家酒吧都将推出主题夜活动——不要错过与调酒奇侠面对面交流的机会。 And there you have it, our Magnificent Seven! From July 1 onwards, you can enjoy these seven different baijiu-based cocktails with Campari at the different bartenders’ bars. 在品尝美酒的同时,大家可以扫描下方二维码,关注金巴厘官方微信账号(CampariChina),回复关键词“调酒奇侠”,免费获得一杯鸡尾酒。 To make your night out even more rewarding, extract the QR code below and follow Campari's WeChat account (CampariChina), drop them a message with the words "调酒奇侠", and you'll get a free cocktail at the bar. 福利不止于此。上传你与调酒奇侠鸡尾酒的美照至金巴厘的官方微信后台,并留下姓名与联系方式,其中30位“最佳饮客”将获得全年的《饮迷》会员!获奖名单将于8月初通过金巴厘官方微信公布。记住哦,照片里要有调酒奇侠调制的鸡尾酒、金巴利的logo,以及你美丽的容颜! Campari's got more perks for you too. Upload a selfie of yourself with one of the Magnificent Seven's cocktails (and with the Campari logo in view – ask to borrow a bottle from your bartender ) to Campari's WeChat account, together with your name and phone number, and stand to win one of 30 DRiNK memberships if you're one of our favourites. Winners will be announced on Campari's WeChat in early August. 今年夏天,让我们整装待发,与调酒奇侠一起,品味来自欧亚大陆两端的古老文明的最新结晶吧。 So, gather your posse, and draw up your bar-hopping plans – and save the date to join the Magnificent Seven this summer! >>金巴利调酒奇侠特饮主题夜<< Campari Magnificent Seven Blacky Su | M Glam 7月1日 July 1 上海黄浦区广东路20号7层 7F, 20, Guangdong Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai Phoebe Han | Healer 7月8日 July 8 上海徐汇区天平路30号 30, Tianping Rd, Xuhui, Shanghai Michael Chen | The Cannery 7月14日 July 14 上海长宁区愚园路1107号 1107, Yuyuan Rd, Changning, Shanghai Kevin Song | D.lounge 7月29日 July 29 北京朝阳区工体北路4号 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang, Beijing Yao Lu | The Union Trading Co. 8月2日 August 2 上海徐汇区汾阳路64弄2号 2, Lane 64, Fenyang Rd, Xuhui, Shanghai Daniel An | Shrine 8月5日 August 5 上海黄浦区长乐路462号 United Valley内 462, Changle Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai Sam Guan | Barules 8月10日 August 10 上海徐汇区汾阳路51号 51, Fenyang Rd, Xuhui, Shanghai - 饮迷会员 DRiNK Membership - 从三月刊起,我们会向会员投放《饮迷》。每年只需支付一杯鸡尾酒的价钱,你便可以获得四期《饮迷》中国版——而且享受免费送货上门服务——以及诸多会员专享福利。 From our March issue onwards, DRiNK Magazine will be available to members only. For the price of a cocktail, you will be able to guarantee four issues per year of DRiNK Magazine’s China edition – receiving every copy direct to your door – as well as exclusive member benefits. 会员微信公众号 WECHAT: DRiNK饮迷会员服务 邮箱 EMAIL: membership@drinkmagazine.asia 赞赏 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 免责声明:杭州酷德教育官网转载上述内容,对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、合法性、可操作性或可用性承担任何责任,仅供读者参阅! |