港式甜品培训-谁来调酒 | Who’s on shift:Lorenzo Antinori,Fee Bros和Micaela Piccolo照片:Lorenzo Antinori 欢迎阅读“谁来调酒”专栏,为你网罗一切业内最新活动、大师班以及客座调酒消息! Welcome to Who’s on shift?, where we round up some of the events, masterclasses and guest bartending shifts happening around you. Lorenzo Antinori作客彼楼 Lorenzo Antinori at Speak Low 今晚作客彼楼的这位来头不小:不但身兼伦敦两家获奖酒吧(伦敦The Savoy Hotel的美式酒吧与Mondrian Hotel的Dandelyan酒吧)的调酒师,现在又是首尔知名鸡尾酒吧Charles H 的调酒师主管。想一睹这位叱咤世界顶级酒吧的意大利籍调酒师的风采?机会难得,就在今晚彼楼二楼。 上海——Speak Low, 4月10号,8点 Lorenzo Antinori of Dandelyan and American Bar at The Savoy in London, and now Charles H in Seoul, will be guest bartending at Speak Low tonight. Here’s your chance to catch the Italian bartender who's worked at some of the best bars in the world. Shanghai – Speak Low, April 10, 8pm 费氏兄弟的苦精大师班 Fee Brothers Bitters masterclass 苦精是鸡尾酒重要的配方,虽然戏份不多,但往往会起到“四两拨千斤”的效果。菲氏家族品牌联合持有人及其第五代传人Joe Fee即将在上海和北京,开启一场名为“苦精:鸡尾酒的香水”的大师班。 上海——Above The Globe,4月11号,下午2点 北京——D Lounge,4月14号,下午2点 Co-owner and fifth generation family member Joe Fee will be in Shanghai and Beijing for a masterclass billed as “Bitters are the perfume of cocktails.” Shanghai – Above The Globe, April 11, 2pm Beijing – D Lounge, April 14, 2pm Micaela Piccolo现身波特曼丽思卡尔顿丽嘉阁 Micaela Piccolo at The Ritz Bar & Lounge 4月21日到22日晚间,法国干邑品牌费朗佳酿(Maison Ferrand)的亚太地区品牌大使Micaela Piccolo 将做客上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店的丽嘉阁,担任特邀调酒师。Micaela Piccolo曾在Saxon & Parole、Distilled以及Sweet Liberty等酒吧担任调酒师,这次她将带来四款以朗姆或金酒为基酒的创意鸡尾酒。 上海——波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店丽嘉阁,4月21号到22号 Former Saxon & Parole, Distilled and Sweet Liberty bartender Micaela Piccolo will be at The Portman Ritz-Carlton Shanghai’s Ritz Bar & Lounge on April 21 and 22 for a guest shift. As the new Maison Ferrand brand ambassador for Asia Pacific, Piccolo will be pumping out some of her favourite rum drinks and other thirst-quenching concoctions. Shanghai - The Ritz Bar & Lounge, April 21 to 22 - 饮迷会员 DRiNK Membership - 从即将出版的三月刊起,我们将会员投放《饮迷》。每年只需支付一杯鸡尾酒的价钱,你便可以获得四期《饮迷》中国版——而且享受免费送货上门服务——以及诸多会员专享福利。 From our March issue onwards, DRiNK Magazine will be available to members only. For the price of a cocktail, you will be able to guarantee four issues per year of DRiNK Magazine’s China edition – receiving every copy direct to your door – as well as exclusive member benefits. 会员微信公众号 WECHAT: DRiNK饮迷会员服务 邮箱 EMAIL: membership@drinkmagazine.asia 赞赏 免责声明:杭州酷德教育官网转载上述内容,对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、合法性、可操作性或可用性承担任何责任,仅供读者参阅! |