西点烘焙培训学校--传统美式下午茶饼干的做法Traditional Southern Buttermilk Biscuits for Tea传统美式下午茶饼干 难度: 切墩(初级) 时间: 10-30分钟主料 面粉 2 cup 盐 3/4 tsp 黄油 2tbsp buttermilk 1cup baking powder 4tsp辅料 baking soda 1/4 shortening 2tbsp传统美式下午茶饼干 的做法步骤 1.Pre heat oven to 230C 2.Mix baking powder, baking soda, salt and flour 3.knead in chilled butter and shortening till it resembles bread crumbs 4.make a well, pour in chilled buttermilk. Stir until dough just comes together 5.on a floured surface, fold dough over gently, no more than 5-6 times 6.roll out to 1 inch thick , cut with cookie cutter 7.bake for 15-20 mins at 230 C 免责声明:杭州酷德教育官网转载上述内容,对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、合法性、可操作性或可用性承担任何责任,仅供读者参阅! |